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Syslog as log source

Centralized Logging with OpenSearch will collect syslog logs through UDP or TCP protocol.

This article guides you to create a log pipeline that ingests logs from a syslog endpoint.


  1. Import an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.

Create log analytics pipeline

  1. Sign in to the Centralized Logging with OpenSearch Console.

  2. In the left sidebar, under Log Analytics Pipelines, choose Application Log.

  3. Choose Create a pipeline.

  4. Choose Syslog Endpoint as Log Source.

  5. Select UDP or TCP with custom port number. Choose Next.

You have created a log source for the log analytics pipeline. Now you are ready to make further configurations for the log analytics pipeline with syslog as log source.

  1. Select a log config. If you do not find the desired log config from the drop-down list, choose Create New. Refer to Log Config for more information.

  2. Choose Next.

  3. Specify Index name in lowercase.

  4. In the Buffer section, choose S3 or Kinesis Data Streams. If you don't want the buffer layer, choose None. Refer to the Log Buffer for more information about choosing the appropriate buffer layer.

    • S3 buffer parameters
    Parameter Default Description
    S3 Bucket A log bucket will be created by the solution. You can also select a bucket to store the log data.
    S3 Bucket Prefix AppLogs/<index-prefix>/year=%Y/month=%m/day=%d The log agent appends the prefix when delivering the log files to the S3 bucket.
    Buffer size 50 MiB The maximum size of log data cached at the log agent side before delivering to S3. For more information, see Data Delivery Frequency.
    Buffer interval 60 seconds The maximum interval of the log agent to deliver logs to S3. For more information, see Data Delivery Frequency.
    Compression for data records Gzip The log agent compresses records before delivering them to the S3 bucket.
    • Kinesis Data Streams buffer parameters
    Parameter Default Description
    Shard number <Requires input> The number of shards of the Kinesis Data Streams. Each shard can have up to 1,000 records per second and total data write rate of 1MB per second.
    Enable auto scaling No This solution monitors the utilization of Kinesis Data Streams every 5 minutes, and scale in/out the number of shards automatically. The solution will scale in/out for a maximum of 8 times within 24 hours.
    Maximum Shard number <Requires input> Required if auto scaling is enabled. The maximum number of shards.


    You may observe duplicate logs in OpenSearch if threshold error occurs in Kinesis Data Streams (KDS). This is because the Fluent Bit log agent uploads logs in chunk (contains multiple records), and will retry the chunk if upload failed. Each KDS shard can support up to 1,000 records per second for writes, up to a maximum total data write rate of 1 MB per second. Please estimate your log volume and choose an appropriate shard number.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. In the Specify OpenSearch domain section, select an imported domain for Amazon OpenSearch domain.

  7. In the Log Lifecycle section, enter the number of days to manage the Amazon OpenSearch Service index lifecycle. The Centralized Logging with OpenSearch will create the associated Index State Management (ISM) policy automatically for this pipeline.

  8. In the Select log processor section, please choose the log processor.

    • (Optional) OSI as log processor is now supported in these regions. When OSI is selected, please type in the minimum and maximum number of OCU. See more information here.
  9. Choose Next.

  10. Enable Alarms if needed and select an exiting SNS topic. If you choose Create a new SNS topic, please provide a name and an email address for the new SNS topic.

  11. Add tags if needed.

  12. Choose Create.

  13. Wait for the application pipeline turning to "Active" state.